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WHY CHOOSE Under-value HK properties

Under-value HK properties PROSPECTS


What is Under-value HK properties?

A Under-value HK properties refers to a property in Hong Kong that is below the market price but has room for appreciation. It can also be understood as some: potential properties.



Where to find?


Using our network and contacts, with the assistance of thousands of real estate agents across Hong Kong, we can identify "Under-value HK properties".


What risks or legal issues need to be noted?


There are many traps

Generally, "low-water buildings" are second-hand properties, and novice investors may encounter different traps. 普遍“低水楼”都是二手楼盘,新手投资有机会遇上不同陷阱


Such as situations involving court orders, and investors may not have access to comprehensive information about the property, resulting in additional costs in the future, easily leading to investment failures. 例如会有涉及法庭命令情况,而且投资者未必有渠道全面了解楼盘的信息,导致日后要支付额外成本,容易造成投资失利

Because Hong Kong is a free investment market, and the Hong Kong government has recently lifted transaction restrictions on properties, reducing the cost of property transactions.


Why choose?


Under normal circumstances, purchasing a property through a real estate agent in Hong Kong can only earn a return of 1 to 2 percent.

一般情况下,在香港经地产经纪购入物业只可赚取 1 到 2 厘回报


VR's Success examples
or project sharing


What investment opportunities are there?


After purchasing a "Under-value HK properties" below the market price and then selling it at the market price, making a profit by earning the price difference.


In 2022, we successfully enabled Miss to purchase a property below the market price by 800,000 yuan, and assisted her in renovating and refurbishing the property to enhance its value, enabling her to earn a rental return of 3 to 4 percent per year, with a stable passive income.

2022 年,我们成功让小姐以低于市场价 80 万元购入楼盘,协助她装修翻新楼盘、提升物业值令她能够每年高达赚取 3 到 4 厘的租金回报,一直有稳定的被动收入。

Why is it a suitable opportunity now?

Reasons for recommending you

Compared with other investment projects such as stocks, because the price of the Hong Kong property market has been high and the market volatility is not large, the risk of investing in properties is relatively low. In addition, Hong Kong has a small land area and a large population, so the housing demand in Hong Kong is very huge. In addition, in recent years, the Hong Kong government has implemented the talent and expertise program, attracting a large number of mainland students to study or work in Hong Kong. After they come to Hong Kong, they need to find accommodation, making the housing demand in Hong Kong continue to rise in the future.


According to the statistical data of the first quarter of the 2024 property market, under the recent impact of the Hong Kong government lifting the transaction restrictions on properties.

Recently, the trading volume of first-hand properties is the largest, while the prices of second-hand properties are at a low level. It can be predicted that the number of first-hand properties will decrease in the future, and the transaction of second-hand properties will be more active, and the price of second-hand properties will rise. Therefore, now is the best time to invest in second-hand properties.

根据 2024 年楼市第一季的统计数据显示,就最近香港政府取消了楼盘交易限制的影响下,



UP TO 3-4%

In 2019, we successfully enabled Miss Zhou to purchase a property below the market price by one million yuan, and assisted her in renovating and refurbishing the property to enhance its value.In the situation of the sluggish market during the epidemic that year, she was still able to earn a rental return of as high as 3 to 4 percent per year.After the government lifted the transaction restrictions on properties, she could sell the property at the market price and earn a profit of more than one million yuan.

在 2019 年,我们成功让顾客周小姐以低于市场价一百万元购入楼盘,并并且协助她装修翻新楼盘、提升物业价值。在当年疫情市道低迷的情况下,仍然能够每年赚取高达 3 到 4 厘的租金回报。在政府取消了楼盘交易限制后,她可以以市场价出售楼盘,并从中赚取超过一百万元差额获利。

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